Angie Skelton View All Faculty
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Degrees Received:

  • DBA with Marketing Specialization, Walden University
  • MBA with Marketing Concentration, Regis University
  • B.S. in Journalism and Advertising, The University of Mississippi
  • A.A. in Journalism, Northeast Community College

Discipline Focus:

  • Business, emphasis Marketing

What do you enjoy about teaching online at Geneva College?

Geneva College’s students work so hard to produce quality, analytical assignments that bring in more than just the academic side of business and marketing.  The online students, many who have or have had full-time or part-time jobs outside of their college work, present real-life situations they can relate to the topics discussed and do so using a Christian perspective.  This ability to think critically and analytically from a Christian worldview brings more depth to the topics discussed in the online classroom and helps the entire class to relate to issues they currently face or will one day face within this discipline.  Seeing the students learn and relate our topics each week to real-world scenarios and watching them connect academics with actual situations using biblical principles makes every minute of this job worth it.  What we do here is not just about the theoretical; it is also about the real and practical concepts that students can and will use in their jobs, which is so exciting to me and often to them as well.
